Friday, November 23, 2007


unexpected #1 --- i remember craving for chocolates for a few nights now, you know the deal watching tv while munching uber yummy chocolates... but the fridge is empty with sweets. darn... i could have gone to the nearest 711 to buy but when i checked my purse, its empty. darn to the nth power! but lo and behold! the husband comes home with a plastic bag on his hand filled with this...
hahahaha! my prayers have been answered! big chocolate bars fresh from Germany ( from my MIL's friend ) teehee! the sweeth tooth was at its happiest for some nights now... and yeah, along with the chocolates are gifts from my SIL and MIL to Olin a pair of crocs and leggings. uber nice!

unexpected #2 --- around 4pm last saturday, after almost blogging the whole day i felt hungry but nothing fancies my attention that time when i was just about to prepare a cup of coffee the neighbor came with this...

plate full of creamy carbonara! now that's real food I'm talkin' about... hihihihih... you see, this neighbor of ours is not the typical-chikadora, so i was bit surprised to receive something from her but nevertheless it was uber delicious ah... sarap!


Kristine said...

Ooohhh... Carbonara. Favourite ko toh!